Types of Republicans, 2022

(Percentages are my rough estimates):

95% of Republicans

A. proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, regardless of the law or any sense of human decency;

B. proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, as long as they can make a pretense, however slight, of following legal procedures;

C: people whose decision making is more strongly driven by a particular ideology, such as Christian fundamentalism, white nationalism, xenophobia; gun culture, and hatred of regulations and taxes than by any interest they may have in preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law.

D. Others who for various reasons want Republicans to be in power regardless of the effect of Republican control on democratic institutions the rule of law.

5% of Republicans

Those who traditionally vote for Republican, but care more about preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law than about party loyalty.