Socialists –– The Big Lie

Right-wing propagandists, who comprise a majority of Republicans, try to fool people into voting for Republicans by claiming that progressives, in fact all Democrats, are dangerous liberals, which is to say, socialists, who want to raise everyone’s taxes and spend a lot of money on bloated bureaucracies whose main function, to the extent they’re not just spinning their wheels, is to impose burdensome regulations on everyone and dole handouts to every freeloader in the country, stifle free enterprise, and turn America into a Godless society like Soviet Russia under Stalin. That’s what you’re supposed to think when you hear the word ‘socialist,’ and “socialist” is what you’re supposed to think when you hear the word “liberal” or the word “Democrat.” It’s a big lie, repeated, embroidered upon, and pumped into the consciousness a huge segment of the population every day.